« Helping one child may not change the whole world, but you will change the world for that one little person and yours! Because nothing beats a child's smile »


Sponsor one of our child

Unfortunately, it is the case in Tanzania that orphans can’t go to a proper school if they have no one to pay for their school. Currently we have 15 children who would have already started school in January 2021 from the age and still have no sponsor. We are therefore looking for people from all over the world who are willing to support one of our children and thus give them a perspective for their future, because we are convinced that a child here in Tanzania has very little chance without education.

The children here are normally enrolled in school from the age of 6 or 7. They go to Davisschool, which is 5-10 minutes walk from our orphanage, and receive lessons in English, math, general education, etc. from Monday to Friday. In addition, they receive breakfast and lunch.

Costs: The primary school lasts 7 years and costs 1'235'000 shillings/year (depending on the course around 530USD, 485CHF or 455Euro).

Of course we know that every life can change at any time. Therefore, if you choose to sponsor one of our children, you are not making a financial commitment. However, we are happy about every child who can at least finish primary school. Secondary school is another 4 years and is a bit more expensive. When your child has finished Primary School we will contact you and it is of course up to you whether you want to enable your sponsor child to continue his or her education or not. In the style: Nothing must, everything can!

During the first 7 years you will be kept informed by us and the school about how your sponsor child is doing and how he/she is developing. Of course, the children are always happy when they know who their sponsor is and when they have a small contact to the sponsor. However, this is of course also up to each sponsor.

These children are urgently in need for a sponsor in 2024