Our wishes regarding our children

Our primary goal is to provide orphans in the area, most of whom unfortunately had a very difficult start in life as babies, with love, food, education and a loving home, and thus a perspective for their future. We help them to grow, learn and develop, hoping to give them enough for their future life so that one day they can stand on their own two feet. For this we get up every day and give our best.

Our goals regarding our project

At the moment we live almost exclusively from donations and try to cover the monthly costs for the basic needs of our children such as food and clean drinking water. Unfortunately, we do not always manage to do this equally well, times are sometimes not easy here.

Our long-term goal, however, is of course to be able to stand on our own two feet one day. We are aware that there is still a very long way to go, but we are not giving up hope and are working hard to achieve this. In concrete terms, this means that last year we started to grow our own vegetables on our small farm. The land was partly given to us by Baba Godfrey, and we rented the rest from other owners. So far, we have planted mostly vegetables (corn and a type of spinach), which is relatively easy to grow, but unfortunately does not bring in much money at the market. Our next plan is to plant tomatoes. We are currently looking into the possibility of doing this on our land and what kind of resources we would need.